Where to start...
Couldnt have imagined that so much could happen in just one day. ok, one and a half.
when I arrived at kathmandu airport I was warmly welcomed by Evelyn, Anne, Katja, Carmen (the voloteeers)and Manu, who drove with Rocco on their motobike from Switzerland to Nepal (check links),then we all drove back 6 people in one car to my new home. It was dinner time when we got there and soon we entered the room where around 60 eyepairs fixed on me. fun and strange. and you don t know what to do next. then sombody came and put a tikka on my forhead, a mix of rice and red color,which, in my case, ran down half my nose so I looked like somebody shot me in the head.
1 Kommentar:
Haj Anja,
Freu' mich, daß du so herzlich empfangen worden bist;) Sag' allen sechszig Augenpaaren Grüße von der anderen Seite der Kugel. Hier brummt's und die Weite der Bilder aus 'Neperl' hilft Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen - schon angefreundet mit deiner Kamera? Weiterhin guten Start, elastisch, feurig und ideenreich! Sei fett gedrückt, blöckchen mit Haase.
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